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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: This is a film-license adaption, and a really spiffy one it is too. Very console-esque and playable, especially for younger players.

Match Point
Neo-Rio says: Despite its age, this is one of the most playable tennis games on the C64 in my opinion. Many hours spent trying to beat my brother at it.

Manic Miner
Matt Larsen says: Software Projects' classic single-screen platformer. Still fun to play even now... each new level offers something different from the last!

Fairlight - A Prelude
Neo-Rio says: The Spectrum classic had a C64 version, with some great and memorable music. While the graphics may be in monochrome, this game is fantastic...

Neo-Rio says: Nice little puzzle game where you have to get to the exit, dropping tiles on the way. Don't get yourself cornered.

Steve says: Those were the times when games with a unique idea and amazing addiction were published. I guess most people ever having owned a commodore 64 rate this game very high and most probable rank it in their personal all-time-favorite-list.

Fighter Bomber
Neo-Rio says: Much like Chuck Yeager's flight sim, this game is all in polygon 3D. This game, however, lets you dogfight other planes and blow things up!

Skate or Die!
graveyardjohn says: Tony Hawks Pro Skater, but 10 years earlier! Get with 'the kids' and take on your mates (or the computer) on a variety of different activities, including half-pipe, downhill jam, and a battle in an empty swimming pool.

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

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