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GB64 Recommended Games...

Secret of Bastow Manor, The
Neo-Rio says: One of the first adventure games I played on the C64. It's quite fun, and the creepy atmosphere builds up well as you play (thanks to the wonderful display of Commodore character graphics!)

RISK - Rapid Intercept Seek and Kill
Neo-Rio says: Defender meets steroids. Pick up flying cargo and techies whilst trying not to get blasted. Clear a screen, land on the pads, and get more goodies so you can eventually make your ship very very nasty. The title music is inspiring too.

Steve says: cool game with great sound (check out the Romeo Knight feat. Beastie Boys Remix of the tune on

Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom
Neo-Rio says: This used to be a fairly popular game back in the 80s as I remember. Looks dated now of course, but I remember it for its nostalgia value.

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

Time Tunnel
Jimbo says: Great little arcade-adventure where you have to visit different time periods and solve puzzles and collect items. Has a nice classical soundtrack too!

Neo-Rio says: Classic early beat-em up. We used to sneak into the classroom during lunchtime to play this game when the teacher wasn't looking. Good memories of my school days.

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
Neo-Rio says: This C64 port of the arcade game turned out to be the best two player side scrolling beat'em up ever done for the C64, in my opinion. Make sure you bring a friend in.

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